The Human Exchange
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Where Humanity Shapes Tomorrow

Where Social & Emotional Learning flourishes alongside Academics

Welcome to CauseBe

Education is the cornerstone for shaping the future. If we aspire for a brighter tomorrow, it's imperative to invest in today's children - they represent the entirety of our future.

Education encompasses three core components: Intellectual Content, Humane Content, and Social Content. Commonly, these are rebranded as Academic, Character, and Values. Holistic education caters to all these three contents.

Every parent desires their child's economic prosperity, which, in today's world, is often linked with certain professions. This association has given rise to a phenomenon known as excessive careerism, altering the societal view of education. Presently, education is predominantly focused on intellectual engagement, while the other two vital elements Character and Values are neglected. Parent's expectations for schools to deliver academic success for their children have inadvertently led to a diminished emphasis on personal qualities. Consequently, educational institutions are compelled to recalibrate their objectives.

The mangoes we relish today may not stem from the trees we planted; they were sown by predecessors who envisioned our enjoyment decades later. This act of 'paying it forward' is the qualitative aspect of holistic education which is unfortunately being ignored.

CauseBe represents a movement to reintegrate the humane and social dimensions into education. It encourages schools to involve students in diverse projects that foster the development of values. By doing so, CauseBe aims to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are not only Intellectually Adept but also possess Strong Character and Social Consciousness. This holistic approach to education is essential for nurturing responsible citizens who can contribute positively to society and the world at large.


"Education is not just about learning facts, but about understanding and appreciating the world around us, embracing empathy and compassion, and striving for positive change."
- Malala Yousafzai

With CauseBe, we foster students' sense of responsibility and social sensitivity. Through diverse opportunities, they become active contributors to their communities, gaining insight into leadership and social responsibility. CauseBe promotes holistic education, nurturing intellectual growth, character development, and values. Together, we drive change to create responsible citizens who positively impact society.

News & Stories

Have a look at our News & Stories and find out what the club has been up to and see some highlights!

As part of International Cancer Awareness Day, CauseBe initiated to raise awareness and to express support for children

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Students initiated the SMILE Project with young patients in the Paediatric Oncology Department of Calicut Medical College.

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CauseBe initiated a project under "One", which aimed to build social responsibility and nurture human values.

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